“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
-Mahatma Ghandi
Volunteers are essential to the success of our races. We are very lucky to have a great group of people willing to help us, and we would like to offer something in return for the more time intensive responsibilities.
Aid station captains are responsible for recruiting a team of 2-4 aid station workers per shift. The captains will be at the aid station the entire race for races where the aid station is open for less than 9 hours. The longer events (such as 24 and 48-hour runs on a looped course) may have shifts for multiple AS captains. Captains must be experienced ultrarunners, enthusiastic and provide a great atmosphere for participants, AS workers, and all involved.
Aid station captain’s duties include: Freedom to create a theme and decorate the aid station, Set up and tear down of AS, returning all supplies and equipment to race headquarters, Involvement in planning food for AS, Coordinate with the race director(s) to get all equipment, food, and hydration to the aid station location, Management of supplies and aid station workers during event, Enforcing cut off times and providing course directions to participants CREDIT for working the following races: Aid Station Captains earn a free entry to a future Empower races (Captains of races with AS open for less than 8 hours earns a free entry to marathon or shorter event or $15 per hour credit towards longer future races).
Aid station workers report to AS Captains. Each Aid Station will need 2-4 aid station workers based on the size of the race and the size of the aid station.
AS Worker duties include: Assisting all race participants equally and providing care, encouragement, and supplies Refill water bottles & packs, handout food, retrieve drop bags, and do many more things for the participants to make their race a success! Workers will also need to prepare hydration and food and restock items as needed during the race AS workers may also need to check runners in and out of AS Assisting the AS Captain in setting up and tearing down the site CREDIT $10 per hour credit towards future Empower races.
Varies by race, contact RD for details.
Other volunteer opportunities include (but are not limited to): registration and packet pickup, course marketing, course sweeping, race set-up and tear-down, and parking/shuttles.
Credit is a one-time use only (cannot use on multiple events). Credit is non-transferable. Volunteer must email the race director(s) prior to registering to redeem credit. Volunteer credit is good for two years and will expire two years after event date. The majority of our events are held in State Parks. The use of alcohol and/or marijuana is prohibited while volunteering. Credit might be revoked if race policies are not obeyed. For races that have lotteries, volunteers will be able to bypass lottery the following year.
Local groups that are interested in staffing aid station(s) in exchange for a donation to their group (non-profit organizations, school groups etc) are encouraged to contact race director(s) to discuss details and pricing.